Thursday 7 December 2006

Second meeting day in Florence - Tuesday, 21 Nov. 06

Activites done during the second meeting day:

- Introduction to the local context to the foreign partners and meetings with Local Stakeholders: explanation of the practices and legislation on the female entrepreneurship in Tuscany and on reconciliation between working life and family during the visits by the Responsible of the Female Entrepreneurship and Gender Policies Sector of the Tuscany Region, D.ssa Antonella Turci, and by the Regional Counsellor of Equal Opportunity, Adv. Marina Capponi.

With the support of an interpreter, Suzi Jenkins, the institutional representatives illustrated initiatives and projects carried out by the regional authority at European and local level,

- Illustration of the local context about the female entrepreneurship: visit by AIDDA (Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne dirigenti di Azienda), D.ssa. Orietta Malvisti Moretti.

AIDDA is a non profit association representing the first association founded in Italy with the aim to support the engagement of women in the economic and social sector. The president of the association illustrated the association’s activities and agreed on an active involvement in the FEMALE project with the participation of female entrepreneurs as testimonials of their life/working experience. During the visit we met women entrepreneurs who have been carrying out a business successfully.

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